How Fast Is Comcast Business Internet Starter? (Hint: It’s Not Very)

Ever felt like your internet connection was moving slower than a sloth on a particularly lazy day? If you’re a Comcast Business Internet Starter customer, you’re not alone. Let’s dive into the world of painfully slow internet speeds and see why this particular plan might not be the best fit for your business needs. The Promised Land of 25 Mbps When you sign up for the Comcast Business Internet Starter plan, you’re promised a download speed of 25 Mbps. That sounds pretty decent, right? It should be enough for basic tasks like checking emails, browsing the web, and even streaming videos in standard definition. But in reality, the experience can be far from satisfactory. The Reality Check Comcast Launches New, Faster Tiers of Internet Service in Battle The truth is, achieving those promised 25 Mbps is often a pipe dream. Many customers report actual download speeds that are significantly lower, sometimes even dropping below 10 Mbps. This can be extremely …

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